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  1. up2date --help

usage: up2date [OPTIONS] [<packages>]

  • options:
  --configure           configure Update Agent options
  -d, --download        download packages only, even if configuration says to
  -i, --install         install packages, even if configuration says to
                        download only
  --src                 Download src packages as well as binary rpms
  --nosrc               Do not download src packages (overrides config setting
                        if set)
  --dbpath=<dir>        Specify a path where an alternate rpm db is found
  -f, --force           Force package installation, overriding package and file
                        skip list
  --justdb              Only add packages to database, do not install to the
  -l, --list            list packages available for retrieval
  --dry-run             Do everything but download and install packages (show
                        dependencies  needed, etc)
  -?, --usage           Briefly describe the options
  -k<dir>, --packagedir=<dir>
                        colon separated path of directories to look in for
  --nosig               do not use GPG to check package signatures
  --nox                 do not attempt to use X
  -p, --packages        update packages associated with this System Profile on
                        Red Hat Network
  --hardware            up2date hardware profile associated with this System
                        Profile on Red Hat Network
  --register            register the system (or reregister it, if need be)
  --showall             List all packages available for download
  --show-available      List all packages available that are not currently
  --show-orphans        List all packages currently installed that are not in
                        channels the system is subscribed to
  --show-groups         List all the install components available to install
  --solvedeps=<deps>    finds, downloads, and installs the packages needed to
                        solve the list of dependencies
  --tmpdir=<temp-dir>   where to store temporary files / RPMs
  --undo                undo the last package set update. This option is
                        deprecated and no longer functional
  -u, --update          update system with all relevant packages
  --version             show program version information
  -v, --verbose         Show additional output
  --show-channels       Show the channel names along with the package name
                        where approriate
  --list-rollbacks      Show the rpm rollbacks available. This option is
                        deprecated and no longer functional
                        Show the packages which solve the comma separated list
                        of dependencies
                        Install all available packages within the specified
                        channel, pulling dependencies from other allowed
                        channels as needed
  --exclude=<pkg>       List of packages to exlude from being installed or
  --channel=<channel>   Specify by channel label which channels are allowed for
  --gpg-flags           Show the flags that gpg will be invoked with (the
                        keyring, etc)
  --nodownload          Do not download packages at all. For testing purposes
  --uuid=<uuid>         Pass in a uuid that the applet generates
  --proxy=<proxyurl>    Specify an http proxy to use
  --proxyUser=<proxy userid>
                        Specify a username to use with an authenticated http
  --proxyPassword=<proxy password>
                        Specify a password to use with an authenticated http
  --serverUrl=<url>     Specify what server url to use
                        Show the package installation dialog in gui mode
  --get                 Fetch the package specified without resolving
  --get-source          Fetch the source package for the specified package
                        without resolving dependencies
  --arch=ARCH           Force up2date to install this arch of the package. Not
                        valid with -u, --list, or --dry-run
                        Upgrade to the channel specified
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  • When operating in command line mode, specifying package names as arguments to the program will attempt to retrieve (and possibly install, based on your configuration) those packages. Version, release, and architecture details will be determined by the Update Agent automatically.
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Page last modified on August 02, 2007, at 01:46 PM