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1. From package: prebuid binaries-which is much quicker, less download time, but problem of dependencies.

Download prebuild packages from

   Index of
   Up to higher level directory
   Directory: amd64 		Sunday 22 April 2007 	09:51:00 PM
   Directory: distfiles 		Sunday 15 July 2007 	01:52:00 AM
   Directory: i386 		Thursday 01 March 2007 	10:13:00 PM
   Directory: ia64 		Monday 23 July 2007 	07:26:00 PM
   Directory: local-distfiles 		Monday 06 August 2007 	07:53:00 PM
   Directory: packages 		Tuesday 05 June 2007 	06:39:00 PM
   Directory: ports 		Tuesday 07 August 2007 	03:55:00 AM
   Directory: ports-current 		Tuesday 05 June 2007 	06:39:00 PM
   Directory: ports-stable 		Tuesday 05 June 2007 	06:39:00 PM
   Directory: sparc64 		Saturday 10 March 2007 	07:01:00 AM
   Directory: sun4v 		Tuesday 05 June 2007 	06:39:00 PM
  • Packages are found at Directory: packages Tuesday 05 June 2007 06:39:00 PM
  • How to download ?
   Use the lynx command :

  • Once downloaded Install Using the command.
   pkg_add -v  firefox-,3.tbz
  • How to get a list of installed packages?
  pkg_info -a 
  pkg_info -a|grep firefox
  • How to i remove the packages?
  pkg_delete -f 

--- 2. Building the package from source.

FreeBSD port system: has the information that tells FreeBSD how to build and install the software from the original source code.

  • For installing firefox from source.
   cd  /usr/ports/
   cd  www
   cd firefox
   make install
  • Removing firefox.
   cd /usr/ports/www/firefox
   make deinstall
  • Remove the work files
  cd /usr/ports/www/firefox
  make clean
  • Remove downloaded source archive
  cd /usr/ports/www/firefox
  make distclean
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Page last modified on August 07, 2007, at 01:35 PM