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  • installing rpmforge on centos

blue%Installing RPMForge

RPMForge is a collaboration of Dag, Dries, and other packagers. They provide over 2600 packages for CentOS, including mplayer, xmms-mp3, and other popular media tools. It is not part of RedHat or CentOS but is designed to work with these major distributions.


Download the rpmforge-release package. Choose one of the two links below, depending on your architecture. If you are unsure of which one to use you can check your architecture with the command uname -i

(You can find a complete list of rpmforge-release package packages at but it is recommended that you use one of the two listed above).

  • Install DAG's GPG key
    rpm --import
  • Verify the package you have downloaded
    rpm -K rpmforge-release-0.3.6-1.el4.rf.*.rpm

Security warning: The rpmforge-release package imports GPG keys into your RPM database. As long as you have verified the package and trust Dag then it should be safe.

Install the package

rpm -i rpmforge-release-0.3.6-1.el4.rf.*.rpm

This will add a yum repository config file and import the appropriate GPG keys.

   #yum check-update

   #yum list mplayer

   if not installed then run the command.

   #yum install mplayer
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Page last modified on June 20, 2007, at 03:58 PM